
Bug bounties

Getting any Facebook user's friend list and partial payment card details

Friend list disclosure using persisted GraphQL queries and first-party application client tokens

Facebook has a GraphQL endpoint which can only be used by some of their own first-party applications. Generally, you need a user (or page) access_token to query the GraphQL endpoint. I have decided to try using Facebook for Android application's client token, but the endpoint returned an error message:|62f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437a4a32&q=me(){id}

    "error_data": {
      "debug_info": "Only whitelisted query IDs are allowed in logged out context"

I did not send a persisted query, but the error shows only whitelisted persisted queries are allowed. Since I collect Facebook's persisted GraphQL queries, I've decided to run a bunch of them to see if any are whitelisted. For example, the query "FBActorNameQuery":|62f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437&query_id=10154057467378380&query_params={"actorID":"100…."}

    "error_data": {
      "debug_info": "Only whitelisted query IDs are allowed in logged out context"

Unfortunately, I could not find a single whitelisted one - the error was always the same. A couple hours later I remembered another way to send persisted queries, using doc_id as the query ID - these did not return the error, but in most cases they returned public data only. While this is a whitelist bypass, it mostly returned data which is already public. However, a query named "CSPlaygroundGraphQLFriendsQuery" leaked the friend list regardless of the privacy settings. Example request and response:|62f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437&doc_id=1914123128613545&variables={"user_id":"10000xxxxxxxx"}&method=post

    "node": {
      "friends": {
        "edges": [
            "node": {
              "id": "12xxxxxxxxx",
              "name": "Some One",
            "node": {
              "id": "15xxxxxxxxx",
              "name": "Another One",


  • 6th of October, 2017: Bug reported

  • 12th of October, 2017: Response from Facebook, bug is triaged

  • 14th of October, 2017: Friendlist leak is fixed

  • 17th of October, 2017: Whitelist bypass is fixed

Partial payment card details leak using Graph API

A bug existed in Facebook's Graph API that allowed querying for any user's payment cards details using a field named payment_modules_options. I found out about this field by intercepting all the requests made by Facebook's Android application during registration and login flow.
Here is an example request:

USER_ID is the id of victim's Facebook account, and TOKEN is the attacker's access_token from a first-party Facebook application, like their Android app. The query doesn’t work without a valid payment_type, but specifying an invalid one, payment_type(asd) returned the list of all possible payment types. This is a textbook example of an insecure direct object reference bug (IDOR).

Screenshot of the request and response using my account as the victim: Cards leak As you can see, the returned data included:

  • first 6 card digits (BIN), identifies the bank that issued the card

  • last 4 digits

  • expiry month and year

  • card type

  • cardholder first name

  • zip code and country


  • 23rd of February, 2017, 21:11 - Bug reported

  • 23rd of February, 2017, 21:50 - First response from Facebook, investigating the report

  • 23rd of February, 2017, 23:25 - Fix is being deployed

  • 24th of February, 2017, 01:24 - Bug is now fixed

It took Facebook's team 4 hours and 13 minutes to fix the issue - the fastest report-to-fix for me. Thanks @phwd for proof-reading this blog post.

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